
Operating Hours
Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm
Sat: 8am-2pm
Sun: Closed
Outside Operating Hours available upon request
P: 951-595-8007

First Vist

We will make your first visit Easy, Hassle-Free and Relaxing.

During you first visit at SmileEnsure Dental Care, the dentist will conduct a complete oral examination and discuss any treatment you may need. If required, x-rays (digital) will be taken. The examination may reveal conditions for which you may need treatment. During this time you will also have an opportunity to discuss to the dentist and staff any concern you may have.

Upon your consent, Teeth Cleaning may be performed during this visit, or might be scheduled for a follow-up visit depending on the condition of your teeth and gums.

Patients under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent.

Please expect the first session to last for at least 30 minutes to 1½ hours. To collect information about your medical and dental health history, you will be required to fill up a New Patient Health History Form.

If you would like to get a head start, please download the new patient forms on the right. Fill the form completely and bring it with you.

Information on this form will help the dentist to decide right treatment options for your conditions.


  • Address: 1240 Border Avenue, Corona
    CA 92882
  • Email: customer.service@smileensure.com
  • Website: www.smileensure.com
  • 951-595-8007